Tools for gardeners
Cordless power tools for allotments are a versatile aid in gardening.
Work in the garden never ends. Our devices help turn hard work into active relaxation.
Do it yourself on the plot - with ADLER tools
The challenges of a modern allotment gardener include comprehensive care for the environment and ecological and economic activities. ADLER sets of reliable pneumatic and electric tools will help ensure order and safety on the allotment, in the garden and at home.

Our cordless tools are at hand when you need to act quickly or plan your work calmly. A broken branch or a damaged fence will be quickly sorted out with a saw and one of the electric drills. A blower will make it easier to clear up leaves and small debris, specialist shears will help to give shrubs and hedges the right shape, and a trimmer will help to take care of the lawn.
We help weekend DIY enthusiasts with repair and construction work. We support them when they want to build a gazebo, paint a table, sand boards or repair a roof.
And finally – a bonfire for the guests!
Let's Work Together
Contact us, and we will answer your questions, clear up any doubts and suggest the best options.