Devices for Tourists
Proper equipment is the foundation of every successful expedition. Adler power generators, power banks and other devices will make your leisure time free of worries and troubles
Don't Lose Your Power
Power generators are very useful when travelling and camping. Anywhere without electric power supply, generators provide basic comfort of lighting, cooking, troubleshooting and charging. Compact, easy-to-operate, low-noise, low CO2 emission make them useful outdoors.
How to make vacations independent of electric supply? Adler generators are the answer – versatile, easy-to-use, compact, lightweight, with stable voltage.
Key Features
High quality, low CO2 emission, compliant with EURO 5 Norm; DC 12V/4A socket for e.g. portable fridge and two USB 5V/1A i 5V/2,1A ports for charging.
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Contact us, and we will answer your questions, clear up any doubts and suggest the best options.